Making Waves & Surfing Waves 

For a better Business World

More Women.
New Leadership.

As a Surf-Consultant I support Female Leaders for Success & Fulfillment and I advise Companies on New Work & Diversity.

My Vision

Lack of experts, mental health issues, environmental destruction and technological change... It is more than clear that our existing work system has reached its limits.
But how can we create a new, healthier and more human business world?
And how can I, as a human being, find a path that suits me in this multitude of challenges, a path on which I can surf through life in a self-determined, healthy and fulfilled way? 
In my consultations, I support women and companies in finding their own individual answers to these questions. I give them ideas for new perspectives, show them new options for leadership and encourage & support them in trying new paths. 
For more women. For new forms of leadership.
For a better business world - for all of us.

"You cannot stop the waves of business life,
but you can learn to surf."

In Consultings I support business women in surfing the waves of theirs business life - for success and fulfillment 

In our current work system many people feel like in a hamster wheel - they are under constant stress, feel lots of pressure and are often very tired. These circumstances are very challenging - especially for women. In consulting sessions, I therefore specifically support women who want to shape change with their work and lead a good life at the same time.

With my extensive knowledge & experience, my high awareness and the latest methods from business, psychology & meditation, I help business women in learning to surf the waves of their business life. .
To learn surfing I offer two formats:

  • 1:1 Surf Sessions
  • Surf Club small group with Surf Camp on Tenerife

For a successful & fulfilling career as a woman.
For more women in leadership. 

Surfing into a new working world!

With Keynotes & Consultings I support companies in creating the waves of change for a new business world

High sickness rates, labour shortages and climate destruction show: Our current work system urgently needs an update! My goal is for people to work in a healthy, meaningful and fulfilling way.  So that they can be human again - also at work. In my view, the key to this is more women in leadership and new forms of work.

That`s why I inspire and advise companies as they surf into this new world of work. In addition to individual consultations, I have developed entertaining, interactive & inspiring formats with which I contribute to these changes within companies/organisations:

  • Inspiring Keynote on New Work: "Surfing into the new world of work! - What companies can learn from surfing for the New Work".
  • Interactive Unconscious Bias talk: "Overcome unconscious thinking patterns & finally achieve more diversity!"
  • Encouraging speech for potential/new female leaders: "Leading as a woman? Go for it & Surf's up!"
  • Business meets culture: reading about my own path: "Get out of the hamster wheel & onto the surfboard!"

If interested, I also accompany teams in an unforgettable event on the water - with a SUP, a surfboard on a standing wave or out in the sea!

For new leadership.
For a better business world. 

About me: Purpose Business meets the Good & Free Life

My professional path:
From VW Spokeswoman to self-employed Surf Consultant

As a graduate in cultural studies, I spent a total of eight years in various positions at Volkswagen Communications. Most recently as press spokesperson for New Mobility in Wolfsburg and before that at VW in Beijing, at Skoda in Prague and at the subsidiary Sitech. 

During these years, I experienced the challenges and the fun that a career as a woman in the business world brings. And I was able to find out what "good work" means to me:

  • To freely & self-determinedly create content that moves me from my innermost being - and with which I can really make a difference in the world.
  • Having people around me who accept, appreciate and support me exactly as I am.
  • A work environment in which it's completely okay if I don't function at times.
  • A culture in which I can BE and WORK. A culture where I am allowed to be human.

These experiences have encouraged me to go my very own way: At the end of 2018, I decided on a career change that will let me realise my beliefs more creatively: As a surf consultant, I advocate for more women in leadership and new forms of work.

About Me:
Work & Fun. Success & Fulfilment. Thoughts & Feelings. Sport & Meditation.

One minute we are discussing about God, the economy and the world, the next minute we are having a water fight. That`s me!

Living my life, pursuing my heart-topics professionally and using my personal talents to shape our future. That`s what I live & love. That fulfils me.

A mindful and conscious life is important to me - for myself, my fellow human beings and our earth. 

I prefer to spend my time outdoors - whether on Tenerife or in Esslingen, on/in the water, in a tent, in the mountains, in meditation or in the garden. The peace and connection to nature grounds me wonderfully and brings me lightness and freedom.

Because the waves of life also accompany me - some I manage to surf and some just sweep me along (aka "washing machine" :-)). I find it incomparably fascinating to feel the different waves of life - with a high level of awareness, the right methods, professional guidance and the trust that they will carry me to beautiful beaches again and again.

You want to surf with me? 

Or you want to create a new business world together with me? 

Then I look forward to getting to know you!

Get in touch with me either by using the contact form or through the channels linked below.  


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